Gold price: 22k65,79 per gram18k51,61 per gram14k36,15 per gram(22-10-2024 13:19:02)

Transparent prices: no extra costs

There is no obligation to make an appointment.



In this disclaimer, the following definitions shall apply:


  • Edelmetaal Richard”: BVBA Juwelen Richard, with its headquarters at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16, and with company number 0464.834.292.
  • Website”:, and all other domain names and linked URLs owned by Edelmetaal Richard and on which Edelmetaal Richard provides information about Edelmetaal Richard's products to the public and / or on which Edelmetaal Richard's products are offered and sold to customers.


The website and all its components, with the exception of possible hyperlinks, are the property of Edelmetaal Richard. The website was commissioned by and is managed by Edelmetaal Richard. It's not allowed to publish the website or parts thereof, copy them or store them without explicit written consent by Edelmetaal Richard. The offered information (texts, images, etc.) is subject to copyright by operation of law.


Edelmetaal Richard pays great attention and care to the website's composition. Our aim is to present information as complete, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite these efforts, we can't guarantee the information is complete, accurate or up-to-date.


Edelmetaal Richard reserves the right to make changes or corrections at all times, or to remove all information or parts thereof, effective immediately and without any notification.


Edelmetaal Richard shall not be held liable for direct or indirect damage of any kind, resulting from the use of the website or the information on it.


Edelmetaal Richard shall not be held liable for any nuisance or damage caused by the usage of the Internet, by any system breakdown, an outsider or a virus gaining access, or for information potentially placed or processed by third parties on the site or for any other event qualifying as force majeure.


Belgian law shall apply to any other dispute that may arise with regard to the website, usage of the website or the information found on it. In case of dispute, the user and Edelmetaal Richard reserve the possibility to reach a settlement agreement. If this isn't possible, only the Belgian courts are ratione loci competent, specifically the District Court of Willebroek or the courts of the judicial district Malines. The user can only sue Edelmetaal Richard in the courts of its headquarters. This shall also apply to cases of urgency (for instance proceedings for interim measures). Edelmetaal Richard may opt for another court with territorial responsibility, under article 624 Ger. W.




General conditions




The terms used in these general conditions or on Edelmetaal Richard's website ( should be interpreted as follows:


  • Edelmetaal Richard’: BVBA Juwelen Richard, with headquarters at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16, and with company number 0464.834.292;
  • Website’:, and all other linked URLs owned by Edelmetaal Richard and on which Edelmetaal Richard provides information about Edelmetaal Richard's products to the public and / or on which Edelmetaal Richard's products are offered and sold to customers.
  • Customer’: any individual or legal entity possessing the legal capability to undertake contracts and that orders or reserves one or more products by telephone, e-mail or through Edelmetaal Richard's website.
  • Order’: a customer's request to conclude a sales contract between Edelmetaal Richard and the customer in connection with the products offered on Edelmetaal Richard's website, other than investment products.
  • Products’: all goods offered for sale by Edelmetaal Richard through Edelmetaal Richard's website, other than investment products.
  • Investment products’: golden coins, silver coins, gold bars, silver bars, gold grains, silver grains.
  • Transaction’: all actions, secure treatments, authorisations and permissions associated with the payments of ordered products.
  • Product sheet’: displays the information (texts, photos, filing system by heading…) about a specific product offered for sale on Edelmetaal Richard's website.
  • Provider’: any individual or legal entity possessing the legal capability to undertake contracts and that has announced the intent to sell one or more products by telephone, e-mail or through Edelmetaal Richard's website.
  • Consumer’: the consumer within the meaning of Book VI of the Economic Law Code, as inserted into the Law of 21 December 2013 including book VI “Market Practices and Consumer Protection” in the Economic Law Code and including the insertion of definitions specific to book VI, and of the enforcement provisions specific to book VI and books I and XV of the Economic Law Code (Belgian Official Gazette of 30 December 2013; err. Belgian Official Gazette of 20 January 2014, err. Belgian Official Gazette of 18 March 2014, err. Belgian Official Gazette of 24 March 2014).


These general conditions regulate the use of Edelmetaal Richard's website. Usage of the website implies that you accept these general conditions.


The general conditions also apply every time a customer orders or reserves one or more products by telephone, by e-mail or through Edelmetaal Richard's website. Placing an order or reserving products through the website implies that you have read and understood the general conditions, and that you have accepted them unreservedly. The general conditions are published on the website as well as sent along with each order or reservation confirmation.


With each order or reservation, the general conditions displayed on the website at that very moment apply, to the exclusion of all possible older or newer provisions.


These general conditions also apply each time a provider makes an offer to Edelmetaal Richard in order to sell one or more products to Edelmetaal Richard.


These general conditions don't apply to the reserving, ordering, offering, sale or purchase of investment products, unless expressly stated otherwise.


If one of the conditions mentioned in these general conditions, for whatever reason, is not legally valid, the other conditions remain fully applicable. Edelmetaal Richard and the counterparty will enter into consultations in order to agree on a new provision to replace the invalid provision, hereby taking the purpose and scope of the original provision into account as much as possible.


The applicability of a counterparty's possible general, specific or other conditions will be expressly rejected.


All that is not expressly mentioned in these general conditions is regulated by the provisions of Belgian law.


Any deviation from these general conditions is only possible after explicit written agreement from Edelmetaal Richard.





Legally incapacitated persons and minors who want to reserve, order or offer one or more products have to be represented by their legal representative, who is also bound by these general conditions. Where applicable, the order, reservation or offer must be made by the legal representative or the legal representative must expressly authorise the legally incapacitated person in writing. In this case, the provisions as hereafter mentioned in art. 11 concerning the collection of personal data remain fully applicable.





Edelmetaal Richard offers products online or in its shop.


By e-mail or by clicking the reservation button on Edelmetaal Richard's website, the consumer can reserve Edelmetaal Richard's products free of charge, with the exception of investment products. A reservation is not linked to any purchase obligation.


A reservation can only be processed if the customer has clearly identified himself.


A reservation is only accepted when a specific product is effectively available at Edelmetaal Richard's shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16, after which the customer will receive a reservation confirmation at the e-mail address as specified by the customer.


After the reservation confirmation is sent, the reserved products are kept available to the customer for two calendar days, at Edelmetaal Richard's shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16. Edelmetaal Richard may extend that period by written consent.


In case of reservation, the reserved product can only be paid at the shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16.


A customer can only reserve a maximum of two products at once. This limitation may be lifted, after written consent by Edelmetaal Richard.


A reservation can be rejected by Edelmetaal Richard, in case malicious intent and / or commercial objectives that might harm Edelmetaal Richard's interests are suspected, in case of a dispute concerning payment of a previous order, or in case the product is not available.


If Edelmetaal Richard were to suffer any damage caused by malicious reservations, it reserves the right to claim for compensation.


For reservation of investment products, rules are different. In that case, enquire by telephone (0032.3.886.62.54).





4.1. Ordering


The consumer can order products from Edelmetaal Richard, other than investment products, by e-mail or through the website, by clicking the reservation button and subsequently clarifying the intent to buy the product.


An online order can only be processed if the consumer has clearly identified himself.


While ordering, the consumer indicates clearly if, after payment is completed, he wants to pick up the product at Edelmetaal Richard's store, or wants the product to be shipped to the indicated delivery address.


An order is only final after these general conditions have been accepted, as well as the prices and the description of the supplied products. The consumer acknowledges having taken notice of these terms and expressly certifies, by placing an order, to accept them without reservation. The order's validation shall be construed as an acceptance of the general conditions.


As soon as Edelmetaal Richard receives the order, it confirms the order has been received by sending an order confirmation to the e-mail address indicated by the consumer.


The sale is only concluded after Edelmetaal Richard has sent an order confirmation to the e-mail address indicated by the consumer.


Automatic registration systems shall constitute proof of the order's nature, content and date, as well as the acceptance of the general conditions.


Edelmetaal Richard reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders by a consumer, in a way that precludes real answerability. This is, for instance, possible in case malicious intent and / or commercial objectives that might harm Edelmetaal Richard's interests are suspected, in case of a dispute concerning (payment of) a previous order, or in case the product is not available.


If Edelmetaal Richard were to suffer any damage caused by malicious orders, it reserves the right to claim for compensation.


When ordering investment products, rules are different. In that case, enquire by telephone (0032.3.886.62.54).


4.2. Payment


The consumer has to pay for the product immediately. Payment has to arrive at Edelmetaal Richard's within two working days after the order confirmation was sent, in which payment methods are mentioned. Payment can be made in two ways:


by bank transfer to Edelmetaal Richard's account number, as indicated in the order confirmation, after which the consumer will receive a payment confirmation at the e-mail address indicated by him;

by payment at Edelmetaal Richard's shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16, where the consumer will get a receipt and the product, unless otherwise agreed, will immediately be delivered to the consumer.


An order will only be processed after payment has been received. Pending payment, the ordered product will be reserved for the duration of the period during which payment must be received.


Edelmetaal Richard is not held to delivering the product as long as the product has not been paid in full. In any case, the product remains the property of Edelmetaal Richard up to the time of full payment of the price and appurtenances.


In the event payment hasn't been received within the aforementioned payment period, and after formal notice by letter or e-mail, Edelmetaal Richard may opt for the automatic dissolution of the contract borne by the consumer, in the form of a notice by letter or e-mail in this respect.


4.3. Delivery


After payment has been received by Edelmetaal Richard, and only then, and depending on the choice made by the consumer while ordering, the purchased products are eiher picked up by the customer at Edelmetaal Richard's shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16, or Edelmetaal Richard ships them to the delivery address indicated by the consumer.


At the moment, shipment is only possible to the following countries: Belgium, Netherlands, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, France and Germany. If you wish a product to be shipped to a delivery address in another country, at your request Edelmetaal Richard will inform you if this is possible and under what conditions. In that case, it's best to contact Edelmetaal Richard (0032.3.886.62.54).


The product prices indicated on the website don't include shipment, transport and insurance costs. If the consumer opts for delivery of the product by shipment to the delivery address indicated by him, the customer has to take supplementary shipment, transport and insurance costs into account, depending on the product that will be delivered.


The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price, including all taxes and VAT (on the profit margin or the entire amount, depending on the type of product), as well as all shipment, transport and insurance costs. After having taken note of the shipment, transport and insurance costs as mentioned in the order confirmation, the consumer may refrain from ordering the product by reporting this to Edelmetaal Richard within two working days (


Depending on the product's value, delivery will be carried out by Bpost, by international special delivery, or by UPS / FEDEX / DHL.


All details about the delivery period and delivery costs can be obtained by telephone (0032.3.886.62.54) or by e-mail (


The delivery period only starts after payment has been received. We aim for the shortest possible delivery period. The delivery period is usually 1 to 3 working days and may exceptionally extend to 30 days.


Edelmetaal Richard is not responsible for delays or the lack of delivery because of the company responsible for shipment or the transporter. The consumer cannot claim damages from Edelmetaal Richard in case of a delayed delivery.


When the ordered product is received, the consumer or recipient has to check the good condition of the delivered product. If one or more ordered products are missing or damaged, the consumer or recipient has to express his reservations to the transporter at the moment of delivery.


If a parcel hasn't been accepted after repeated attempts at delivery by the transporter, it will be sent back to Edelmetaal Richard and we will inform the recipient by e-mail. The consumer can request an extra delivery if he takes on the costs, even if the first shipment was free of charge.


4.4. Right of withdrawal


In case of distance selling (through Edelmetaal Richard's website, by phone or by e-mail), the consumer shall have a period of fourteen days, in accordance with art. VI 47 - 52 of Economic Law Code, to revoke the agreement without giving any reason.


Edelmetaal Richard wishes to clarify expressly that this right of withdrawal does not apply to investment products, as defined in art. 1 of these general conditions, since these investment products' price is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market which cannot be controlled by Edelmetaal Richard (art. VI.53, 2° of Economic Law Code).


The ordered product can be returned within fourteen calendar days - as from the day the consumer or a third party designated by the consumer but which is not the transporter acquires physical possession of the goods - to Edelmetaal Richard's shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16. The product has to be delivered at the shop in its original packaging, along with the duly completed standard form for withdrawal (see below).


The ordered product can also be returned to Edelmetaal Richard by mail, within fourteen days. The product has to be wrapped in its original shipping box, along with the duly completed standard form for withdrawal, to Edelmetaal Richard, at the address B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16. Returns are at the expense of the consumer.


A withdrawal will only be accepted if the product is unsoiled, undamaged and unworn and is wrapped in its original packaging. In any case, a product has to be returned with its sealed tag, without this seal being broken.


The standard form for withdrawal can be downloaded here.


After the withdrawal has been processed, the customer is refunded by Edelmetaal Richard the same way he made the payment.


4.5. Warranty


Edelmetaal Richard follows Belgian law in connection with warranty provisions for consumers.


Complaints regarding delivery, quality or malfunction of a product have to be brought to Edelmetaal Richard's attention in writing within a period of maximum eight days.


The statutory two-year warranty applies to new watches.


In compliance with the law, all of our second-hand watches come with a one-year warranty, from the date indicated on the receipt.


This warranty doesn't apply to watertight integrity, winding buttons, push buttons, glass, watchbands, buckles and clasps.


Jewelry falls under the warranty offered by Edelmetaal Richard's shop and has to be discussed on a case by case basis.


Force majeure, accident, improper or inappropriate use by the buyer or third parties, shall not give entitlement to call on the warranty.


At sale, products will always be accompanied by a warranty card, and when calling on the warranty, the products have to be returned to Edelmetaal Richard together with this card.


A product with an accepted failure will be replaced free of charge or repaired. If the repair costs are disproportionate, Edelmetaal Richard reserves the right to replace the product or to exchange it for a similar product.





5.1. Ordering


If the customer is not a consumer, he can reserve and order products from Edelmetaal Richard too. The customer can obtain more information by contacting Edelmetaal Richard by telephone (+32(0)3 886.62.54), by e-mail ( or by clicking the button “announce visit” on Edelmetaal Richard's website.


An order by any person who's not a consumer entails, in any case, a payment obligation within the period indicated in the order confirmation sent by Edelmetaal Richard to the e-mail address indicated by the customer.


The sale is concluded when the order confirmation is sent by Edelmetaal Richard.


5.2. Payment


An order by a customer who's not a consumer entails, in any case, a payment obligation.


The consumer has to pay for the product immediately. Payment has to arrive at Edelmetaal Richard's within two working days after the order confirmation was sent, containing payment methods. Payment can be made in two ways:


  • by bank transfer to Edelmetaal Richard's account number, as indicated in the order confirmation, after which the consumer will receive a payment confirmation at the e-mail address indicated by him;
  • by payment at Edelmetaal Richard's shop, located at B-2830 Willebroek, Overwinningsstraat 16, where the consumer will get a receipt and the product, unless otherwise agreed, will immediately be delivered to the consumer.


An order will only be processed after payment has been received. Pending payment, the ordered product will be reserved for the duration of the period during which payment must be received.


Edelmetaal Richard is not held to delivering the product as long as the product has not been paid in full.


In the event payment hasn't been received within the aforementioned payment period, and after formal notice by letter or e-mail, Edelmetaal Richard may opt for the automatic dissolution of the contract borne by the consumer, in the form of a notice by letter or e-mail in this respect. In that case, the customer is automatically obliged to pay compensation, with a minimum standard flat rate fixed at 25 % of the price exclusive of VAT, the charged amount to be proven by Edelmetaal Richard.


If Edelmetaal Richard doesn't opt for the dissolution by law, in any case, by law and without formal notice, the unpaid amount shall accrue interest from its due date at the rate laid down in accordance with article 5 of the Law of 02.08.2002 concerning the late payments in business transactions.


Moreover, any payment overdue will by law and without prior default notice be increased by 10 %, with a minimum of 50 Euro, as standard fee for extrajudicial costs.


All complaints regarding an invoice shall, on pain of preclusion, be lodged within eight days after the date of invoice, by registered and duly motivated letter.


5.3. Delivery


The agreed delivery periods are indicative.


Possible tardiness, if not truly unreasonable and exclusively due to Edelmetaal Richard, shall not give rise to termination of the contract and / or any damages due to be paid to the customer.


Any changes to the order entail that the negotiated delivery periods are automatically prolonged. Any exceedance of the down payment term will be added to the delivery period.


5.4. Conformity of the goods


Edelmetaal Richard commits itself to supplying goods in conformity with the sales contract. Such a conformity is presumed when the goods are in conformity with their description by Edelmetaal Richard.


The burden of proof with respect to the lack of conformity lies with the customer.


To the extent that the acceptance of delivery hasn't explicitly occurred yet, complaints regarding the product's conformity must, on pain of preclusion, be lodged by registered letter within fifteen days after the product's delivery and before the entry into service, treatment, processing or resale of the goods by the customer himself or third parties.


Edelmetaal Richard is only liable for hidden defects when the lack of conformity manifests itself within a period of six months from delivery of the goods.





The responsibility and the risk with regard to an ordered product are transferred to the customer from the formation of the contract. The product remains the property of Edelmetaal Richard up to the time of payment in full of the price and appurtenances.


If the customer requests the ordered products to be shipped to an address of delivery indicated by him, shipment and transport always take place at the expense and at the risk of the customer, even when it's possibly been agreed that Edelmetaal Richard provides transport.





By telephone, by e-mail or by clicking the button “announce visit” on the website, the customer may contact Edelmetaal Richard to offer a product or investment product for sale to Edelmetaal Richard. Even without prior notice, a product or investment product can always be offered at Edelmetaal Richard's shop.


The offered product or investment product will always be subject to a thorough inspection at Edelmetaal Richard's shop.


Under no circumstances Edelmetaal Richard shall be obliged to buy an offered product or investment product.





The customer accepts electronic evidence.


The customer himself is solely responsible for the accuracy of data communicated to Edelmetaal Richard.


All informations input by the customer with regard to data required to make an order are binding on him. Under no circumstances Edelmetaal Richard can be held responsible for mistakes made by the customer while inputting data (especially the address of delivery and the billing address) and for delayed delivery or the inability to deliver the ordered products due to these mistakes.





The price indicated on the website doesn't include shipment and transport costs.


The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price, including all taxes and VAT (on the profit margin or on the entire amount, depending on the type of product), and also including shipment, transport and insurance costs.





Edelmetaal Richard shall under no circumstances and in no way be held liable for damage of any nature and to anybody that might result from improper use of the sold products.


Edelmetaal Richard shall not be held liable either for possible modifications to the product by the manufacturer.


In any case, Edelmetaal Richard's liability is limited to the order's amount and shall not be invoked in case of mistake or negligence. Thus, the photos on the website are only informational.


This website possibly contains links to other websites. Edelmetaal Richard shall not be held liable for any of these websites' current or future content, nor for the content of websites containing links to Edelmetaal Richard's website.





11.1. In general


Edelmetaal Richard is obliged by law to collect personal data for distance selling, since this information is essential to the processing and shipment of orders. Without this information, we're not able to validate the order.


Edelmetaal Richard complies with the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 with regard to the collection of personal data, revised by the law of 11 December 1998, taking account of the European directives of 24 October 1995. This law provides that the company collecting personal data requires the consent of the person concerned, that these data must be correct and that they are collected for clearly defined, transparent and legal purposes only.


Each person shall have access to these personal data and have the right to have them adjusted. According to the law, the collection of personal data is the subject of a declaration to the Commission for the Protection of Privacy. The customer has the right to access, rectify or erase the data concerning him. He could exercise this right with Edelmetaal Richard by contacting Edelmetaal Richard, by telephone (+32(0)3 886.62.54), by e-mail ( or at the postal address (Overwinningsstraat 16, B-2830 Willebroek, Belgium).


Our company might use the consumer's data in new applications not yet laid down in our 'privacy policy'. In that case, we will contact the consumer before using his data in any new applications, to inform him of any changes to our data protection rules and to give the consumer the opportunity to refuse to participate in these new applications.


11.2. Use of the website


Specifically concerning the use of Edelmetaal Richard's website, it should be noted that Edelmetaal Richard collects personal data on this website. These data are managed by our company. Edelmetaal Richard commits itself not to transmit any of the customers' data to third parties. We do not sell or lease your personal data to third parties.


While you visit our website, we collect the following information:


  • your domain name (IP address) if you visit our website;
  • your e-mail address if you send messages or questions through this website;
  • your e-mail address if you communicate with us by e-mail;
  • all information with regard to the web pages you've accessed on our website;
  • all information you've voluntarily provided (for instance by subscribing to the newsletter).


We use this information to:


  • improve our website's content;
  • inform you about website updates;
  • contact you later for direct marketing purposes.


Finally, it should be noted we use cookies on this website. These are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer. They allow us to collect information about the use of our services and to facilitate your next visits and to register your preferences. These cookies may provide information with regard to personal identification. You can set your browser not to accept any cookies while visiting our website.


If you have any questions about Edelmetaal Richard's privacy policy, you may always contact Edelmetaal Richard, by telephone (+32(0)3 886.62.54), by e-mail ( or at the postal address (Overwinningsstraat 16, B-2830 Willebroek, Belgium).





Texts, lay-outs, images, photos, product data and other elements on this website are protected by copyright and, generally speaking, by the principles of intellectual property right. The content of Edelmetaal Richard's website must not be copied. It must not be modified, put on another website or published without prior written consent from Edelmetaal Richard.





In case of dispute, the customer and Edelmetaal Richard reserve the possibility to reach a settlement agreement. If this isn't possible, only the Belgian courts are ratione loci competent, specifically the District Court of Willebroek or the courts of the judicial district Malines.


The customer can only sue Edelmetaal Richard in the courts of its headquarters, irrespective of the products' shipment address or the customer's residence. This shall also apply to cases of urgency (for instance proceedings for interim measures).


Edelmetaal Richard may opt for another court with territorial responsibility, under article 624 Ger. W.


Contracts and legal relationships between the customer and Edelmetaal Richard are governed by Belgian law.





We always use encryption technologies acknowledged by the IT sector as industry standard, when we send or receive data on our website.


If you wish to respond to any of the practices as described above, you may contact us as follows:


  • by telephone: +32(0)3 886.62.54;
  • by e-mail:;
  • at the following postal address: BVBA Juwelen Richard, Overwinningsstraat 16, B-2830 Willebroek, Belgium.


If you inform us of your postal address through the website, you will only receive the information you've asked for at that address, as well as your ordered products, if this postal address corresponds to the delivery address indicated by you.


If you inform us of your telephone number through the website, our company will only contact you when necessary, to answer your questions or to provide you with information about your reservations or orders.


If you inform us of your e-mail address through the website, you may receive e-mails from us containing information about our products, services or future events.


If you no longer wish to receive such e-mails, let us know in one of the following ways:


  • either by clicking on the 'unsubscribe' link at the end of each promotion or marketing e-mail;
  • or by sending us an e-mail at



VAT rates


You buy golden coins / gold bars: no VAT (if the gold content is at least 900 for coins and 995 for bars)


You buy gold bars of 1 gram or less: VAT of 21 %


You buy gold grains: VAT of 21 %


You buy silver bars / silver grains: VAT of 21%


You buy silver coins: VAT of 21% on the profit margin


You buy a new watch / jewelry: VAT of 21%


You buy a second-hand watch / second-hand jewelry: VAT of 21% on the profit margin



Cash limits and means of payment


Do you want to sell? The amount will be transferred to your account immediately. We'll provide you with a receipt.


Do you want to buy gold or silver, or golden or silver coins? If you're a private person, you can pay at the shop in cash, by bancontact or by bank transfer. In the case of bank transfer, we'll deliver the goods as soon as the amount appears on our bank account. In the case of cash payment, the limit is € 3000. If you're a dealer, cash payments aren't possible.


Are you buying watches or jewelry? If so, you can also pay by Visa / MasterCard. Other than that, the same rules apply as with investments in gold or silver, or golden or silver coins.



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